Journal Article: "On the Coordination and Harmonization of Fiscal and Tax Policies with Monetary and Finance Policies"
Title: On the Coordination and Harmonization of Fiscal and Tax Policies with Monetary and Finance Policies
Authors: Feng Ming
Language: Chinese
Publication: Taxation Research Journal, No. 6, June 2024, 1003-448X: 19-25
English Abstract:
Fiscal and tax policies, along with monetary and finance policies, represent the chief tools that a country uses to undertake macroeconomic governance. There are three main points of connection when it comes to coordinating and harmonizing fiscal and tax policies with monetary and finance policies: macro-control; the prevention and resolution of major hazards; as well as the management of funds associated with public finance and taxation and the management of monetary liquidity.
Keywords: Fiscal Policy; Tax Policy; Monetary Policy; Policy Coordination
JEL Classification: F832, F812, F822
China Standard Serial Number: CN 11-1011/F
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