"Bretton Woods: The Next 70 Years" International Seminar and Book Release Event held by CCWE


"Bretton Woods: The Next 70 Years" International Seminar and Book Release Event, powered by CCWE, Schwarzman College, the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, and CITIC Press Group, was held at Schwarzman College on September 27th 2016, featuring Marc Uzan, initiator/CEO of the Bretton Woods Committee and Jacob Frenkel, Chairman of JPMorgan Chase International. David Daokui Li, director of CCWE, chaired the event.

Professor Li began the event by welcoming guests and pointing out the significance of getting this book done and published at this stage. Both Mr. Uzan and Mr. Frenkel believed that the world of global finance is changing: though the US remains dominant, stakeholders in the international finance system have to get used to the rise of Chinese influence. The world economy will only stabilize if it is supported by US, Europe, and China simultaneously, and China’s presidency of the G20 in 2016 is a golden opportunity for the nation to take on a more active role in global financial governance.

In the Q&A session, experts answered questions regarding international monetary reform and fluctuations of interests rates of major economies' central banks.