Third China-Brazil Economic Development Strategic Dialogue Online Seminar Successfully Held
On October 27, 2021, ACCEPT of Tsinghua University, Conselho Empresarial Brasil-China (CEBC), Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais (CEBRI), and Vale successfully held the 3rd China-Brazil Economic Development Strategic Dialogue Online Seminar. Luiz Eduardo Osorio, Executive Vice President of Institutional Relations and Communication at Vale, and David Daokui Li, Director of ACCEPT, delivered the opening remarks. Keynote speakers included: Marcos Troyjo, President of the New Development Bank (NDB); Zhu Guangyao, former Vice Minister of Finance of China; and Paulo Estivallet de Mesquita, Brazilian Ambassador to China. Li Ke’aobo, Executive Deputy Director of ACCEPT, was also in attendance and introduced the guests. Xu Xiang, Associate Professor of the School of Economics at the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), and Castro Neves, Chairman of CEBC, presided over relevant exchanges on the themes of “Economic Recovery Prospects for Emerging Countries in the Post-Pandemic Era” and “Exploring New Opportunities for Industry Transformation Based on Green Development Goals.”
Participants of the thematic exchanges included: Zhu Xian, Vice President and Secretary General of the International Finance Forum (IFF) and former Vice President of the NDB; Marcos Caramuru, Consulting Partner of KEMU and Consultant at CEBRI; Chai Yu, Director of the Latin American Institute at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS); Fabiana D’Atri, Senior Economist at Banco Bradesco; Li Xinchuang, Vice President of the China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) and Party Secretary and Chief Engineer of the China Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute; Lígia Dutra, Head of the International Relations Office at the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock; Pan Qingzhong, Executive Dean of Schwarzman College at Tsinghua University; Pablo Machado, Executive Officer of Region China at Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A.; and Cao Jing, Associate Professor of the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University. Tracy Xue Xie, President of Vale China, delivered the seminar’s concluding remarks.