Lectures in Government and Economics | The Transformative Effects of Privatization in China: A Natural Experiment Based on Politician Career Concern


Lectures in Government and Economics No. 2

Topic: The Transformative Effects of Privatization in China: A Natural Experiment Based on Politician Career Concern

Lecturer: Huang Zhangkai

Time: June 24, 19:30 - 21:00

Tencent Meeting ID: 909 194 222, code: 654321

Speaker Bio:

Professor Zhangkai HUANG is an Associate Professor of Finance in the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University. He earned his Ph.D. in Finance from Said Business School of the University of Oxford in 2003, his Masters in Finance from the University of Essex in 1999, and his B.A. in Business from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in 1998.

Professor Huang’s main research area is corporate finance; he is carrying out research projects in capital structure, privatization, and private equity. Professor Huang currently teaches postgraduate and MBA courses in Corporate Finance and Capital Market, Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructuring.

His published journal articles include:  "Price effect on Restricted Shares Lifted," "An empirical study on the cash dividend increase announcement effect of public companies with rights offerings," "Marketability, Control, and the Pricing of Block Shares," "The Earnings Quality Effect of Reform of Non-tradable Shares," "The Research on the First-day Underpricing of Convertible Bonds," "The Competition between Bank Branches and between State-owned Banks and their Influence on Economic Growth," "Structure Analysis of Board of Directors of Listed Companies in China," "Financial intermediaries: Literature Review and the Latest Development," "An Empirical Study on The Pricing of Block Shares in China," "Non-Credible Privatization," and "Ultimate Privatization and Change in Firm Performance."

Before joining Tsinghua, Professor Huang was a Lecturer of Finance at Lancaster University between 2002 and 2003 and an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Guanghua School of Management of Peking University between 2003 and 2009. He has been an Associate Professor of Finance at the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University since 2009.